Dynamic Bookmarks in Google Chrome

As a digital marketer, I'm constantly loading Google Analytics to view site performance metrics. I have a couple very specific requirements when looking at performance data in Analytics.

The Issue

As a digital marketer, I’m constantly loading Google Analytics to view site performance metrics. I have very specific requirements when looking at performance data in Analytics:

  • I need to compare year-over-year data, ie: 2020 vs. 2019
  • I need to make sure I’m comparing the same days of the week, ie: when comparing today vs. last year, I need to compare a Monday vs. Monday, but the dates don’t line up nicely, so you’re comparing the 22nd vs the 23rd last year.

This can be time consuming when using Google Analytics daily. You’ve got to load Analytics, get to the property, select the report and set your date ranges. After frustration set in, I resolved to figure out a method to build dynamic bookmarks in Google Chrome.

What’s the Fix?

Let’s assume that we want to populate a Google Analytics report with the date range for the current day, versus the same day of the week last year. As I’m writing this on Thursday (4/30/2020), the script will compare to the same Thursday last year (5/02/2019).

Getting Started

The first step is to build the current year’s date. For this example we’re going to use today’s date.

// create a new JS date
var start_date = new Date();
// seperate out the day, month and year
var start_dd = start_date.getDate();
// add one since javascript starts at 0 for january
var start_mm = start_date.getMonth() + 1;
var start_yyyy = start_date.getFullYear();
// analytics requires leading zeros for day and month

if (start_dd < 10) {
    start_dd = "0" + start_dd;
if (start_mm < 10) {
    start_mm = "0" + start_mm;

// this is the final start date string
var start = "" + start_yyyy + start_mm + start_dd;

Cool, now we’ve got a date that looks like:


Next we need to do something similiar, but move back exactly one year to the same day of the week.

var end_date = new Date();
// adjust the date back one full year
end_date.setMilliseconds(end_date.getMilliseconds() - 604800000 * 52);
var end_dd = end_date.getDate();
// add one since javascript starts at 0 for january
var end_mm = end_date.getMonth() + 1;
var end_yyyy = end_date.getFullYear();
// analytics requires leading zeros for day and month
if (end_dd < 10) {
    end_dd = "0" + end_dd;
if (end_mm < 10) {
    end_mm = "0" + end_mm;
// the final comparison date string
var end = "" + end_yyyy + end_mm + end_dd;

Now we’ve got the current date and comparison date, properly formattted for Analytics. Next let’s build the URL necessary to load the report.

// insert the url of the report you'd like to load
// I save custom reports and use those as the base url
"https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#my-reports/**REPORTID**/%3F_u.date00%3D" + start + "%26_u.date01%3D" + start + "%26_u.date10%3D" + end + "%26_u.date11%3D" + end + "/";

There’s one final piece of the puzzle. We need to wrap all the prior code in a function, then call that function to open a new tab.

javascript: function url() {
    // all the previous code
    // gets loaded here

//tell chrome to open the window
window.open(url(), "_self");

Bugs and Things to Note

  • As of the time of writing this code, Google Chrome didn’t like any comments. I assume that’s because the bookmark in Google Chrome gets converted to one long string, so any comment in your code comments the rest of the code out.
  • For some reason if you open a new tab, then try to load the bookmark, nothing happens. If you try the bookmark in a loaded tab, it’s fine. If you right click and open in a new tab, it’s fine. Anyone have a fix for this?

Get the Code

If you want to see the full code, I’ve created a GitHub Gist.

What’s Next?

In part two, I’ll show you how to adopt this code to allow for other date ranges:

  • Yesterday
  • Last seven days
  • Month to date
  • Last month

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